Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yard Sale/Raystown Adventures

This past weekend we went to Centre Hall for the town wide yard sales. It was amazing, very crowded and it's interesting what people have for sale. As you can see from the pictures, we had a blast. Then on Sunday we had a great time with my brother Kevin and his girlfriend Beth at Raystown Lake.

Yard Sale Days

People come out early on the Friday the first day,
this picture was taken around 7:00 in the morning

A lot of Amish come to the yard sales

It's getting busier!

We saw these cute bikes these two girls were riding!

I was trusted with the money! I may look funny in my hat,
but my scalp didn't get sunburned this time.

The tally sheet, we had three families in one yard sale,
this was the easy way of keeping track of what was sold

Saw this old guy on his moped riding through the side streets,
he was taking his dog for a ride.

This Amish family has six kids with mom pregnant with number seven.
The interesting thing is all the girls and mom were walking through town barefoot

Awesome shirt!

Love seeing the round barn when leaving Centre Hall!

Raystown Lake Time
Dan trying on the green tube

My brother Kevin and Beth making sure they don't get sunburned.

Dan decided to use the pink tube.

Me, Beth and Dan chilling in the water.

Me and Dan and my lovely sunburn!

The seat in the float ripped!

A beautiful day at the lake!

My brother Kevin being goofy!

Feeding the Carp at the docks

Video of the Carp, it's amazing how many there are!

THE END!!!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthday Sunday

Dan and I went to his cousin's house to celebrate their daughter's birthday. Ashley had to share her birthday celebration with little sis Julia, because there was no birthday lunch with family for Julia's birthday. So we had cake for both girls. It turned out to be a nice day with family.

Happy Birthday Ashley and Julia!

Birthday girl multitasking, texting and waving at the same time.

Dan's cousin Mattie trying to play the piano.

Not quite sure what Dan was doing with birthday girls dad.

The other birthday girl, Julia with Dan's mom Nora

The little cousins, Isaac and Nick

Birthday girl wasn't ready for the camera.

Nicole with Becky, as you can see Nicole is playing with her iTouch

Yeah for cake!

Birthday girls, Ashley and Julia

Sharing didn't last long

THE END!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Busy Saturday

This past weekend Dan and I went to a farewell picnic for our good friends who are moving to Florida and then headed to my cousin Matt's wedding.

Farewell Picnic

Adian with his cousin Sara

Little Evie looking adorable

Our friends Tim and Timberley with Aidan and Evie.
We are going to miss them!

Me with baby Sam. I'm always putting kids to sleep! LOL

The kids were getting their faces painted.
Abby's butterfly was awesome!

Timberley aka the monkey with Beth

Matt and Nicole's Wedding

Got to have a pic of the bug! This is my uncle's car.

Uncle Steve with little cousin Gavin and Dan

Matt with Aunt Lore and Grandma

My little cousins Bryant and Gavin, are they adorable or what!

The girl cousins, Ava and Makayla

Nicole, such a beautiful bride!

Proof that Matt did not wear cowboy boots!

Such a beautiful picture of Matt and Nicole

Aww what a cute couple

Bryant couldn't wait any longer until he could blow bubbles!

This is the only time we can get the whole family together
and stay still for a picture!

The Allison clan with grandparents

Ava's favorite uncle!

The End!!!!!!