Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

It's that time of year again, great food and time with family. This year we were at Dan's aunt and uncle's for dinner then off to my parents for dessert/movie time in the evening.

Dan playing with Tapanga before we left.
If you look closely she caught the blue milk ring
in her mouth. She likes to play fetch and bring it back to us.

Dan's cousins Issac and Nick wrestling.

Dan's cousin Julia. Isn't she precious?

Ash Ash and Nate taking lots of pictures.

I love this picture of Dan and his mom.♥

I think she's winning. LOL

Dan's cousin Nicole. How grown up she is getting.


kids scoping out what they want for Christmas.

Noey and Snowflake.

Mom made Dan his own little pumpkin pie. Awww.

Game Night with Friends

At the beginning of the month we got together with friends and had a Wii game night. We had a great time and got to see the new addition to their family.

Me and baby Caleb

Dan and I with Caleb, we look like we
are on drugs. The flash was really bright.

He is just so adorable!

Juliet learning how to power cruise with the Wii.

Jason with his turn.

Dan's turn!

Juliet learning how to do sword fighting.

Juliet and Ethan

We had a great time meeting Caleb and
seeing their new house.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

An early Christmas present to ourselves, I got us tickets to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I love this group!!! We had a great time. Enjoy pictures from the show.

Our tickets!

I took this picture to show the BJC with the pretty lights

A view from our wrong seats

A view from our right seats

Love the lighting effects


Floating guitar players

One of the guitar players

Lighting effects

Lasers, doesn't help we were straight across
from where they were shining

Great shot of the guitar and violin players

Sequence 1 of shot

Sequence 2 shot

Last shot of the vocalist. She sang like an
opera singer

Had a blast!!!!!