Saturday, July 24, 2010

Maryland Trip

We recently went to Maryland to help with a surprise party for my best friend Cora. Her 12 year old daughter planned everything. My job was to keep Cora out of the house for a couple of hours so the guest could arrive and so Rob and Dan could go get the cake and ice cream. The party was a success! She had no clue when we walked back in the door. We had a great time with her family and meeting some new friends. We always wish they lived closer though!!!

On the road, can't go on a trip without listening to a book.

Can't go on a trip with out a drink, we have a mixed marriage.
Dan likes Coke and I like Diet Pepsi.

Since Dan drove I could work on cross stitching!

Our nice chauffeur!

We always stop in Breezewood a this Denny's.
It's such a cool old fashion dinner.

Dan likes it because of the old Coke memorabilia.

I love the old fashion juke box, don't see many of these anymore.

We arrived and got to spend time with Jimmy before heading to bed.

This is why we don't have kids.
Uncle Dan decided to give Jimmy an empty Coke bottle to play with.

Grace being silly for Aunt Jackie

So cute...Uncle Dan put Jimmy to sleep
as he was giving him his breathing treatment

Cora and I got manicures and pedicures while we were out and about

Cora's toe design

My beautiful toe design


Emily carrying her brother Jimmy around.
So proud of her for putting the party together
and keeping it quite.

Cora received an coupon for a spa treatment
on her actual birthday, which is the following Saturday
from this party.

Rob's parents

Cora's parents

The cake

Wish one...

Wish two

Grace having fun with her monster feet

THE END!!!!!!!!

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